Production FAQ

We make easy to shoot in Houston, but because each project is different, please give a call regarding your production requirements so we can best assist you. 713-853-8386.

Texas Moving Image Industry Incentive Program

Projects shooting in the greater Houston area are eligible for a state incentive of between 7.5% - 22.5% of eligible Texas spending. This incentive is in addition the state sales tax exemptions on essential production items and hotel occupancy tax exemption for 30-day or more consecutive stay. For complete information on current state incentives please visit the Texas Film Commission Incentives Overview page at this link:

Registration Form

For filming on general public property in the City of Houston limits, please submit a completed Registration Form prior to production. The Registration Form will be given a registration number, signed and returned to keep a copy in your production kit while filming in the City of Houston limits. Download the Registration Form HERE.

Certificate of Insurance

The use of general public property requires that the production company supply the City of Houston with a liability insurance certificate in the aggregate amount of one million dollars per incident. The certificate can be e-mailed/faxed to us directly from the agent or carrier and can arrive separately from the Registration Form. The Registration Form and Certificate of Insurance should be on file prior to filming.

Houston Police Department

If your shoot requires traffic control or pedestrian control or the blocking of a lane or street, you will need to hire City of Houston police officers. Please contact our office for information on hiring a film cop for your project.

Houston Fire Department

For the use of squibs and pyrotechnics, a Fire Marshall will be required to be on set. Additional special effects and chemical use may also require this.Please contact our office for information on hiring a fire marshall for your project.

Sound Ordinance

You can obtain permit for excessive noise for productions requiring amplified playback. Please contact our office for information on securing a sound permit for your project.

Parks & Recreation

A permit is required for filming in most City of Houston parks. Please contact our office for information on securing a park permit for your project.

Again, as each project is different, please call our office regarding your production requirements so we can best assist you. 713-853-8386